Our new 8 week group course is HERE!!!


18th September – 13th November 12-3pm

Our 8 week learn to DJ course is perfect for total beginners looking to get started as well as new DJ’s who want to push themselves in the right direction.

The part time course is spread over 8 weekly sessions each lasting 3 hours and will cover all the basics and fundamentals of DJing to get you started on the right track.  We’ll cover everything from beat matching on vinyl to using controllers as well as talks on the theory side of music and DJing.

The courses is limited to only 6 students to keep up the quality time with tutors.

Our official education parterres are Pioneer DJ, DJKit.com & Mixed In Key

For more information click here

Learn to mix
Learn music structure & more
Learn where to get music
Learn how to organise your music
Learn to record yourself
Learn how to promote yourself
Learn how to stream your sets
Learn to be a DJ

Contact us here to ask questions or book your place

Also included in the course is: 
10% discount from djkit.com
Certificate of completion
A special guest speaker

Past 8 week student reviews. 
Aivaras “I felt very comfortable, was amazing!”
Daniel M “Best 8 weeks of my life!”
Pearja “I am a total beginner and I enjoyed every lesson”
Szogun Man “Fantastic atmosphere very knowledgeable tutors”
Terance C “The 8 week course is perfect and is worth every penny”
Jack R “Done the 8 week DJ course and went from barely knowing how to mix to being able to spin sets including double drops, effects and changing tempos”

8 Week DJ Academy students get their completion certificate