Watch this documentary about MCR’s Warehouse Project

The Warehouse Project is a popular nightclub in Manchester that helped revive the clubbing scene in the city. The promoters behind the project understand the importance of the clubbing culture to its fans, and have always been supportive of the artists involved. You can watch a short documentary on the history of the venue below

In 2006, on its first night, it became illegal for the club to operate due to a disturbance caused by the music. However, the founders, Sam Kandel and Krysko, persevered and managed to sell out 24 shows in just a few weeks. The success of these shows led to the establishment of a permanent club, which has since become a leading destination in Manchester for clubbing.

The Warehouse Project is an institution in the UK clubbing scene, praised for its innovative, progressive approach to music and clubbing. After five years at Store Street, the Warehouse Project moved to Mayfield Depot, which is their most ambitious project yet. The excitement surrounding Mayfield Depot was palpable, and it has been said to be a festival-style venue that rivals Sonar in size. The Warehouse Project curates lineups that are constantly evolving and pushing the envelope, and it is important for clubs like this to exist to provide space for left-field club culture.