Mix of the week: A-Trak 2022 New Years Mix

It’s barely a few days into 2022 and A-Trak has already delivered an incredible mix! Hip Hop, Drum & Bass, Garage and more in a 2hr set of wicked blends, transitions and more!!!! Click here to go straight to Soundcloud and stream the mix!

As the man states in an Insta post:

A couple days ago I started working on a mix with songs I liked from 2021. I didn’t call it a year-end mix because the year already ended 😂😂 WHAT IS TIME?? Well, here’s a bunch of songs I’m feeling. 72 songs, to be exact. Whipped together the Trizzy way.
Shout out to all the artists for keeping me inspired.

Fair warning- The tunes in this mix are not all ‘safe for work’ so if you’re in the office or on a commute, maybe keep it to the earbuds. If however, you’re at home alone or with adult mates, stick this on the speakers and enjoy a masterclass in mixing!