Featuring a host of scene originals and current rave pioneers, ‘Better Days’ is a UK Rave documentary available on Amazon music.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z25lRuVkbx4]
The talking heads include Sherelle, Phil Hartnoll (Orbital) and Paul Wolford. Its a relatively short film at 30min (or the highlights on the launch video are) but it does a good job of painting a picture of the birth of the scene, the hysteria and the long lasting appeal.
A lot of interesting topics are touched upon. The politicisation, classism, racism and eventual gentrification of the ‘rave’ scene as a whole are discussed and a clear comparison is drawn between the circumstances that bred the first wave of rave culture and now.
As you might expect, the topic of the pandemic looms large. Some of the DJs spoken to are upset that others are allowed to fly around the world while the clubs and festivals remain closed. Some feel the 10k fines may remain in place long after covid. Both sides of this covid debate are presented by including DJs who feel its better to be patient and wait for the danger of covid to pass. There is also hope and optimism coupled with the realisation that things have changed for good and so has society.
On a personal note, I was most interested in the discussion regarding the music itself. It was nice to see the Apache break and James Brown get a mention from younger artists deeply immersed in the roots of the music.
Highlights are currently available on the Amazon Music UK Twitch Channel and Beatport Official You Tube. The documentary will get a full release on the 31st May.