A POC DJ shares their struggles in new book

Being a DJ can be highly rewarding but like with most trades, supposed ‘cultural norms’ and bigotry make it extremely difficult for some.

In a piece for Vice News, a POC DJ shares an extract from the book ‘Tales from the booth’ highlighting how abuse and racism remain a problem within the DJ industry.

The anonymous DJ recounts their experiences on tour accompanied by a white male. It’s a harrowing account of aggressive flight checks, of institutional racism in both Western and Eastern countries and even incidents that almost ended up in violence.

The point is not to deter but rather create awareness, particularly in light of the reactionary online discourse that onsesses over so called ‘wokeness.’ While some complain about inequality, others experience it on a daily basis. Read the full article here https://www.vice.com/en/article/epzxde/the-secret-dj-tales-from-the-booth-extract