A select group of creatives will receive €325 per week. This is a non means tested basic income trial set to last for 3 years.
Irish government minister, Catherine Martin will select applicants at random during the first quarter of 2022 as part of a larger budget initiative set up by the Irish government.
While this is a landmark for Ireland, similar schemes exist in France, Finland and Canada, Catherine Martin feels this initiative will go further by recognising the valuable contribution of artists.
What makes this more interesting is the reason for setting up the scheme-it is a direct response to the pandemic which has affected audio-visual arts, performance and entertainment industries disproportionately in comparison to other sectors during lockdowns to curb the spread of Covid 19 and Saars Cov variants.
Although this is a pilot scheme at present, the indications are this pilot will lead to something concrete further down the line. A scheme like this would undoubtedly be welcome here in the UK. Let’s hope the news reaches Westminster.
Source: The Irish Times