Denon DJ VL12 Prime Turntable Jay Cunningham Denon DJ January 20, 2017 1DENON DJ VL12 PRIME TURNTABLE Designed for Today, Built for the FutureThe Denon DJ VL12 Prime sets the new bar...
Denon DJ SC5000 and X1800, forthcoming in Serato DJ Jay Cunningham Denon DJ January 18, 2017 1SERATO DJ TO SUPPORT NEW DENON DJ SC5000 & X1800 Denon DJ recently announced some exciting new pieces of hardware, and...
Denon DJ SC5000 Media Player [FULL DETAILS] Jay Cunningham Denon DJ January 9, 2017 2DENON DJ PRESENTS NEW DJ MEDIAPLAYER SC5000 PRIME Denon DJ announces the strongest challenge to the Pioneer CDJ range to date,...
Denon DJ X1800 Prime Mixer [FULL DETAILS] Jay Cunningham Denon DJ January 9, 2017 3DENON DJ X1800 PRIME – Club Mixer The new X1800 Prime has a comprehensive range of features that’s aimed directly at...
Denon DJ Tease #ChangeYourRider 2017 Jay Cunningham Denon DJ November 7, 2016 0Denon DJ have just released a teaser video from what seems to be new hardware to be released in 2017...
Serato DJ 1.9.3 Now Available Jay Cunningham Serato September 27, 2016 2Serato DJ 1.9.3 Update Serato DJ 1.9.3 is now available with a number of new features and improvements such as: Ableton...
Forthcoming Denon DJ MC7000 for Serato Jay Cunningham Serato August 22, 2016 0Denon DJ MC7000 Announcing, the Denon DJ MC7000 available in a forthcoming release of Serato DJ. Check out the video...
Denon Launches Huge Update For Their Engine App Jay Cunningham Denon DJ March 11, 2016 0Denon DJ just announced a huge update of its Engine app (version 1.5). The DJ library management platform has had a...