Serato Pyro – Seamless Mixing App Jay Cunningham Serato February 12, 2016 0Serato have just announced their first ever seamless mixed music app which blends music on your device as well as...
Brighton Music Conference 2016 Jay Cunningham News January 19, 2016 0Brighton Music Conference (BMC) has announced the first speakers and talks for the 2016 event, which returns to the Brighton...
Soundcloud Alternatives For DJ mixes Jay Cunningham News January 2, 2016 0All good things must come to an end and in the world of music some people believe it is time... Now Lets You Post To Mixcloud & SoundCloud Jay Cunningham News January 1, 2016 0The mixtape site now lets you crosspost your mix to Mixcloud and SoundCloud in one go. When you upload your mixtape to...
30% Off FL Studio & All Plugins Jay Cunningham News December 28, 2015 0You can now grab the FL Studio digital audio workstation (DAW) and all its plugins and add-ons at a 30%...