MCX8000 Firmware v2.0 PUBLIC BETA
Denon DJ have just announced a public beta test of the much anticipated MCX8000 firmware update, bringing additional performance features, added hardware utility options and an integration into the Engine Prime music management librarian software too. See below for the full release notes and to participate in the beta just visit the Denon Dj Forum.
MCX8000 firmware v2.0 enables you to use Denon DJ’s Engine Prime software for preparation and music management. Engine Prime gives you direct access to iTunes, and Serato DJ internally, and the ability to effortlessly drag iTunes playlists directly to your collection as a Crate or Playlist.
Now, with the power and accuracy of Engine Prime it’s possible to utilize beat grids and quantization for perfectly timed performance features such as hotcue placement/triggering, roll triggering, beat syncing, and seamless loops. Together also with some useful mic/hardware utility features.
MCX8000 Firmware v2.0 Release Notes
- Added support for Engine Prime prepared USB drives
- Added Mic 1 attenuation control utility menu option (0dB to -20dB)
- Added Mic 2 attenuation control utility menu option (0dB to -20dB)
- Added Talk Over level utility menu option (-20db to -40dB)
- Added Talk Over resume type utility menu option (fast, normal)
- Added Booth Receive mic signal utility menu option (on, off)
- Added Beat Grid support for Engine Prime prepared USB drives
- Added Beat Grid slide feature
- Added Quantize feature
- Added Quantize options 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1-beat and off for setting/triggering hotcues and loops
- Added Beat Sync feature
- Added 12 o’clock platter LED reset for cues
- Added BPM sorting when browsing songs through BPM Filter
- Fixed issue where <unknown> was displayed for track name in crates & playlists with over 500 tracks
- Fixed issue where device would not register as MIDI device on certain Mac OS systems
- Fixed issue where pitch fader was not reported in the SysEx initialization message
- Various additional bug fixes and stability improvements